Challenges with staff can arise at any time.  But the hot weather, thoughts of summer holidays and generally need some R&R can make this time of year particularly challenging.  Everyone might be in a slightly better mood when the sun starts to shine, but, before you start heading for the beach, there are potential issues that you need to be aware of. No one likes to think about the worst case scenario, but being prepared and thinking about your recovery plan is always better than being caught off-guard.

Let’s take a look at a few HR nightmares that may occur over the summer months, and explain how you can avoid the fallout in your business.


Flights cancelled and staff can’t get back

We have some unusually good weather at the moment but for millions of British holidaymakers they fly out to sunnier climes every summer, and mainly without any glitches. But what would happen if your member of staff got stuck in a different country due to a cancelled flight, and they’re due to meet a very important client or deliver a big presentation? Back in 2010, the ash cloud from a volcanic eruption in Iceland caused massive travel chaos, with people being stranded for a few days.

What would you do if a similar situation struck, in reality there’s very little that you can do about it. The key is making sure that you’re not putting your business in a situation whereby one member of staff is irreplaceable. There should always be someone who can step up and make sure that the job still gets done.


A ‘sick’ member of staff if having a lovely time according to facebook

Now get me started on should you have staff as your facebook friends but how do you deal with what facebook shows you.  You think that your employee is absent due to illness. But then you see them tagged in a photo on Facebook, looking very well and enjoying a day at a theme park with friends or worse some beach time in an exotic resort. What do you do next? Well first of all, it’s wise to resist jumping to conclusions. The picture could have been taken a long time ago, and you might have simply got the wrong end of the stick, so stay calm.

If you suspect though that your policies are being abused, then it’s vital that you follow your procedures and investigate the situation before making a decision about the best course of action. This is why having robust and up to date policies is absolutely essential.


It seems like eveyone if taking an afternoon siesta

Many workplaces face a productivity slump over the summer season. Staff are out of the office, looking forward to holidays, and their social lives might step up a level while they enjoy beer gardens, barbecues and festivals. It’s normal for output levels to vary depending on the time of the year, but you can’t just let the situation continue. If you except it don’t be surprised if it gets worse.

As we head towards the summer season, it’s a great time to consider how you’ll ensure that your business and your staff are fully prepared for a big push towards achieving your goals in the final quarter. Keep staff clear and motivated to make the final quarter more controlled.


Got an HR horror story of your own that you know you need to deal with before it spirals out of control? We can help you. Get in touch today to arrange a no-obligation consultation, and we can discuss how we might be able to work together to overcome your people management challenges.


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