Are your HR practices up to scratch

As a business owner you probably started your own business because you’re passionate about bringing your product or service into the world, and providing a much-needed solution for your customers and clients. Overtime it has grown and…

I’m Melting

It is fair to say the weather in the UK can be changeable and it is also true that we are not very good at dealing with these changes!  As much as we all want warmer weather we seem to end up with short but intense heat waves, and there’s…

Companies with female exec’s perform better, so, why not have more?

Now I’m not about to start banging a drum about the glass ceiling but the results of the recent Pipeline’s Women Count survey have been published, and they raise some pretty interesting and important questions about female leadership, and…

The Holiday is over now back to Business

Is the long hot summer finally coming to an end? Let’s hope not but your teams time out of the office on annual leave probably is.  The summer months aren’t best known for being the most productive of seasons in the workplace. With many…

How do you create a strong employee brand? Four Practical Tips to Help

Let’s start at the beginning and try to understand what is an employee brand as it is talked about a lot in the media. In simple terms it is what it feels like, look likes and is actual like to interact with your business from an employee…

Are you staff well enough to be at work?

Are you staff well enough to be at work? Now I am normally more on the case of “staff should maintain regular and consistent attendance at work” and don’t get me wrong that is still one of the fundamentals of the employment contract…

How do you handle World Cup Mania in the Workplace?

Our summer of events continues, a royal wedding, summer sunshine, a big sporting event… There’s been plenty for the everyone to get excited about recently, and there’s no denying that there is a benefit from the lifted spirits and the…

Staff Summer Nightmares – And How To Avoid Them In Your Business

Challenges with staff can arise at any time.  But the hot weather, thoughts of summer holidays and generally need some R&R can make this time of year particularly challenging.  Everyone might be in a slightly better mood when the sun starts…

Could Freelancers be the answer for your business?

Date for your diary, Thursday 28th June marks National Freelancers Day, and independent professionals up and down the country will celebrate the fact that they boldly work for themselves. It’s estimated that there are over 2 million freelancers…

Are you dressed for summer?

I love that in the UK we can make such conversation about the weather no matter if it is good or bad or just changeable, we just love to talk about it.  But the recent temperatures have been hitting some pretty lofty heights, so there are some…